What is the Epson controversy?

Epson's unusual mass arbitration defense: Sue your (alleged ...

Labaton eventually supplied Epson with serial numbers for more than 2,000 of its clients. After weeks of wrangling over the terms of Epson's consumer contract, the two sides went to mediation in early 2023. They failed to reach any agreement. On March 1, 2023, Labaton filed about 4,000 arbitration claims at JAMS.Jan 25, 2024
Source : https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/column-epsons-unusual-mass-arbitration-defense-sue-your-alleged-customers-2024-01-25/

What is the disadvantage of a laser printer?

Laser Printer vs. Inkjet Printer: Which Type is Right for You? - CDW

Laser printers carry a steeper up-front cost, making them a pricier investment all in one span of time. The required toner used for printing with laser printers is more expensive than the standard replacement inkjet cartridges, and a color laser printer can add to that expense.
Source : https://www.cdwg.com/content/cdwg/en/articles/hardware/laser-printer-vs-inkjet-printer.html

Which type of printer is best for regular use?

What is the Best Printer Type For Your Needs? - Office Depot

For home printing tasks, an inkjet printer is a gold standard. As one of the most common and popular printers consumers are familiar with, color inkjet printers have rapidly become a staple in home offices for the less frequent printer.
Source : https://www.officedepot.com/l/ideas-center/find-solutions/best-printer-type-for-your-needs

Can I print from my phone to a printer without Wi-Fi?

Print From Android Phone Directly to Printer (No BT, No WiFi needed)

Source : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ5C1Y7f7JM

Why is my printer connected but not printing?

Why wont my printer print? 15 common printing problems - PaperCut

Check that the connection is working - i.e. USB cable, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. Try printing from another device. This helps to identify if the problem is the printer or the client. If you've tried all the above and it's still not working, uninstall and reinstall the printer software and drivers.Jun 6, 2023
Source : https://www.papercut.com/blog/print_tips/why-won-t-my-printer-print-15-common-printing-problems/

What lasts longer, an inkjet or a laser?

Inkjet vs. Laser: Which Printer Is Right for You? (2024)

Shorter Lifespan Inkjet printers are not built to last long like laser printers are, which means they are made for the short term and shouldn't be relied on as a permanent printing solution for an office or large business setting.Mar 1, 2024
Source : https://www.stptexas.com/blog/inkjet-vs-laser